Ep. 19 - The Present Moment, Is All We Have - Feat. Joseph Meador
Today, Sam speaks with his friend Joseph Meador.
Join us as we talk to Joseph about some powerful ways to center ourselves and come back into the present moment:
There's no performance in the present moment; "it just is." | Conversation takes 100 percent of mindful activity on both sides. | I can observe or witness my thoughts, but I am not my thoughts. | I am, therefore, I can think. | Anxiety is a product of thinking about the future while depression is the product of thinking about the past. | When one comes to a realization that, "I am not the mind and I am not the body," renunciation is possible. | Learning to be patient, loving, and gentle with oneself is the first place to start for a healthier ego structure. | Learning to breathe | In Ayurveda there are 6 senses, the sixth being the mind. | In yoga, turn off the monkey mind chatter by reorienting with breath. | With practice we can exercise control over our minds and thought processes; the key is watching the breath. | Learning to live from the authenticity inside the heart. | In one's suffering, tremendous love and compassion can emerge. | "It is what it is," in this moment. |
Thank you so much, Joseph!