Ep. 18 - Holding Transformative Space During Crisis - Feat. Jude Harmon
Today, Sam speaks with his friend Jude Harmon.
Join us as we talk about Jude's experience of COVID-19 and how it has impacted him on multiple levels :
“Saint Jude. Not, ‘Hey Jude.’ But please don’t hold me to it…” | Missing in-person gatherings with his community | Experiencing pandemic fatigue | Feeling despair & hopeful simultaneously | Attuned to the meta-level, structural changes in society | There is no substitute for real human contact. | Ministering to people virtually through their last rites as they die | Praying for community members | Holding weekly services online | Participating in a finger labyrinth walk and meditation | Negotiating boundaries in a relationship during this time | Writing a book on marriage equality through the lens of his theological & biblical perspectives throughout history | The importance of marriage for all | Marriage: a moment for people to be joyfully vulnerable in front of everybody while being lovingly held in their vulnerability | There is no replacement for the embodied experience | Finding my way into becoming a priest | Seeking justice in a wider community and coming together to lift everybody up |
Thank you so much, Jude!
Jude's Contact: https://www.facebook.com/judeaaronharmon
Resources: https://gracecathedral.org/ & https://www.veriditas.org/