Ep. 13 - Growing Up On Both Sides Of The Racial Divide- Feat. Chase Simmons


Today, Sam speaks with one of his closest friends, Chase.

Join us as we talk about Chase's experience during COVID-19 & social/civil justice movements:

Feeling trapped at home during COVID | Jogging as an outlet to get alone time and reset | The murder of George Floyd + COVID bringing light in the darkness | Being bi-racial having a white mom & black dad | Bringing DEI into the workplace | Experiencing rage around the murder of George Floyd | Using humor as a means to fit it | Identifying as black from junior high onwards | Being called the "N" word by peers & adults | Being run off the road by a truck while walking home from school | Identifying how the world sees you | Being assaulted as a toddler because he of his blackness | The complexity of racism | "You can’t necessarily change the past; you only have the future to make things better. " | Human=not perfect | Being mirrors for each other |

Thank you so much for sharing so vulnerably, Chase, I love you!


Ep. 14 - Invitation To Self-Inquiry - Sam Sebastian


Ep. 12 - The Global Impact Of Finding One's Own Voice - Feat. Ellen Watson